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A summons is a legal document that informs you of your requirement to appear in court. Being served with court documents means that someone has filed a legal dispute against you. What should you do upon receiving a summons? Don’t panic, but don’t ignore it, either. Here are a few helpful next steps.

Read the Letter Completely

Your summons is essentially the beginning of a legal case against you. The letter itself includes all the information you need to be a part of the case, including:

  • The location of the court where the case will be heard
  • The name of the person filing suit against you
  • The nature of the case against you
  • How and when you must respond to the summons

Respond Promptly

Though you may be upset or even fearful upon being served a summons, it’s important to process your feelings while complying with the summons. Let your attorney know of your receipt of the summons as soon as possible. They will provide valuable legal advice and guidance throughout the process that can help put your mind at ease.

Pro Tip

If you filed a malpractice lawsuit against your healthcare provider and they responded with a counter-suit, contact a medical malpractice attorney in Boise, Idaho, to assist you. Rossman Law Group’s attorneys have many years of experience with a wide variety of malpractice cases and can help you identify why you’re being counter-sued.

Watch What You Say

No matter which side of the courtroom you’re on, it’s wise to avoid talking about your legal case with anybody besides your attorney. This sentiment is doubled if you are the defendant.

Avoid speaking to the plaintiff or their attorneys without your own attorney present. Meanwhile, be open and candid with your own attorney. Your lawyer cannot provide the best possible defense if they don’t have all the relevant information!

Gather Plenty of Evidence

If you are being counter-sued by your physician for suing them for malpractice, they may argue in court that your litigation was an abuse of the legal system. Prove that your initial suit was valid by having evidence of the alleged malpractice on hand. This includes any and all medical bills and records of interactions with your doctor.

Stay in regular contact with your attorney throughout the process and provide more information than you think they’ll need. Counter-suits are difficult to navigate on your own, but they’re less daunting when you’ve got a talented lawyer on your side.

If you are served with a summons, that means you are being sued. It’s a nerve-racking undertaking, but one that you can tackle with the help of a talented attorney. Rossman Law Group can help you understand what you should do upon getting a summons and support you as you comply.