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How Long Do You Have To File a Birth Injury Lawsuit?

Being a new parent brings a variety of new experiences, from joyful to frightening. If you’ve recently welcomed a new baby who got injured during the delivery process, you may wonder if you have any legal recourse.

Reach out to the attorneys at Rossman Law Group to discuss the unique circumstances of your case. In the meantime, learn more about how long you have to file a birth injury lawsuit in Idaho.

Birth Injuries: A Quick Overview

With rapid advancements in medical technology in recent decades, birth injuries are on the decline. However, even today, injuries still occur. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately seven out of every 1,000 babies in the U.S. are born with some type of injury.

Common birth injuries include cerebral palsy, facial nerve paralysis, cephalohematomas (bleeding under the scalp), and caput succedaneum (fluid buildup under the scalp). Many of these injuries are treatable—if not outright curable—and babies born with these injuries often go on to live healthy lives.

Negligence in the Delivery Room

Medical errors are not the cause of all birth injuries. Cerebral palsy, for example, can develop in babies in utero, especially during complicated pregnancies.

However, your obstetrician has a duty to provide you and your baby with the best care possible. The vast majority of doctors take the Hippocratic Oath seriously—but nobody is immune to making mistakes.

The use of vacuum extractors or forceps can sometimes cause birth injuries, especially traumas to the head, shoulders, and upper body. These instruments can help deliver breech babies, but excessive force can leave marks on a baby’s delicate body.

If you suspect that your obstetrician’s actions (or lack thereof) caused your baby’s birth injury, contact an Idaho birth injury attorney and tell them your story. Rossman Law Group’s attorneys provide free legal consultations and trustworthy legal advice to anyone wondering if they’ve got a case.

What’s Your Time Constraint?

The state of Idaho allows six years from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit against your medical provider. That sounds like plenty of time, but resist the temptation to wait around! If your attorney finds that you have a valid birth injury case, they’ll advise you to begin legal proceedings as soon as possible.

If your child’s birth injury affects their quality of life as they grow, you may soon find yourself with significant medical debt. A settlement from a birth injury lawsuit can help you recoup those losses and get justice for your family.

So, how long do you have to sue for birth injuries? If you’re in Idaho, you have six years to begin proceedings. Don’t delay seeking justice for your child and restitution for your ordeal; call Rossman Law Group today for a free consultation.